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view Ca video

function view_Ca_video()


Interactive visualization of calcium imaging video with playback controls.

Function Inputs:
Parameter Name Type Description
Neuron CNMF-E neuron object Output of CNMF-E and CaliAli_cnmf()
Function Outputs:

None (displays the selected video interactively).

Example usage:

To reproduce video data stored in the .mat files, use the view_Ca_video() function and select the desired .mat file for monitoring(1).

  1. Code modified from Joao Henriques (2024). Figure to play and analyze videos with custom plots on top , MATLAB Central File Exchange.


This app includes the following functionalities:

  • Enter Play/Stop the video.
  • Backspace Play/Stop the video at 3x speed.
  • Left/Right Advance/go back one frame. Alternatively, you can use the scroll bar at the bottom of the screen.
  • Page Down/Page Up Advance/go back 30 frames.
  • C Adjust contrast settings in the video.

When adjusting the contrast of the video, avoid using the Adjust contrast button. Instead, simply close the window by clicking the [x] button at the upper right corner of the screen.