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update spatial CaliAli

function obj=update_spatial_CaliAli(obj, use_parallel,F)


update_spatial_CaliAli - Updates the spatial components of extracted neuronal signals.

This function refines the spatial footprints of detected neurons by processing data in multiple batches. It updates the spatial maps (A) based on activity levels while accounting for spatial variability, ensuring robust separation of overlapping components.

Function Inputs:
Parameter Name Type Description
obj CNMF object Object containing spatial and temporal components.
use_parallel Boolean Flag for enabling parallel processing.
F Array Specifies batch sizes for processing. If not provided, it is determined using get_batch_size(obj).
Function Outputs:
Parameter Name Type Description
obj CNMF object Updated object with refined spatial components.
Example usage:
neuron = update_spatial_CaliAli(neuron, true);
neuron = update_spatial_CaliAli(neuron, false, batch_frames);