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Motion metrics

function [cY,mY,ng] = motion_metrics(Y,bnd,batch_size,var_name)


motion_metrics: Compute correlation and gradient metrics for motion assessment.

Function Inputs:
Parameter Name Type Description
Y 3D/4D array or memory-mapped array Registered time series data, either a 3D or 4D array, or a memory-mapped array.
bnd Array (Optional) Number of pixels to exclude at borders to avoid NaN effects. Format: [x_beg, x_end, y_beg, y_end, z_beg, z_end]. Default is [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0].
batch_size Scalar (Optional) Batch size for processing memory-mapped files. Default: 1000.
var_name String (Optional) Variable name for memory-mapped files.
Function Outputs:
Parameter Name Type Description
cY Array Correlation coefficient of each frame with the mean image.
mY Array Mean image computed from all frames.
ng Scalar Norm of the gradient of the mean image.
Example usage:
[cY, mY, ng] = motion_metrics(Y);
[cY, mY, ng] = motion_metrics(Y, [10,10,10,10,0,0], 500);