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Manually update residuals

function neuron=manually_update_residuals(neuron,use_parallel)


manually_update_residuals: Iteratively refines residuals in CNMF-E extracted components.

Function Inputs:
Parameter Name Type Description
neuron structure CNMF-E extracted neuron structure containing spatial (A) and temporal (C_raw) components.
use_parallel boolean Boolean flag to enable parallel computation for speed-up.
Function Outputs:
Parameter Name Type Description
neuron structure Updated neuron structure with refined residuals.
Example usage:

neuron = manually_update_residuals(neuron, true);
This will open a GUI displaying the PNR, Corr., and PNR*Corr. images(1). These images will be shown in their original form (top panels) and also after subtracting the current neuron detections from the video (Residual video) (bottom panels).

  1. Refer to Select Extraction Parameters for a description of the PNR, Corr. and PNR*Corr images.

Here, you can manually add initialization seeds for undetected neurons. Clicking on any of these images will place a red dot that initializes these neurons:


This will initialize these neurons and repeat the CNMF process required to extract the Calcium signals.


In most cases picking neurons is not necessary.