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CaliAli load


function data = CaliAli_load(filename, varname)


CaliAli_load: Load a specific variable or all variables from a .mat file.

Function Inputs:
Parameter Name Type Description
filename String String specifying the .mat file to load.
varname String (Optional) Name of the variable to load. Supports dot notation for nested structures (e.g., 'Struct.elem1'). If not provided, all variables are loaded.
Function Outputs:
Parameter Name Type Description
data Array Loaded variable or a structure containing all variables.
Example usage:
data = CaliAli_load('data.mat');               % Load all variables
var  = CaliAli_load('data.mat', 'varname');    % Load a specific variable
elem = CaliAli_load('data.mat', 'Struct.elem1');  % Load nested structure element