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function params=CaliAli_demo_parameters()


CaliAli_demo_parameters: Define demo parameters for CaliAli processing pipeline.

This function initializes and returns a structure containing default parameters for data preprocessing, motion correction, inter-session alignment, and neuronal extraction using CNMF-E.

Function Inputs:


Function Outputs:
Parameter Name Type Description
params Structure All default parameters for CaliAli processing.
Example usage:
CaliAli_Options = CaliAli_demo_parameters();


📌 Data Preprocessing Parameters

Parameter Name Value Description
gSig 2.5 Gaussian filter size for neurons (pixels)
sf 10 Frame rate (fps)
BVsize [] Size of blood vessels (pixels) [min diameter, max diameter]. Default is calculated based on gSig.
spatial_ds 1 Spatial downsampling factor
temporal_ds 1 Temporal downsampling factor
neuron_enhance true Enhance neurons using MIN1PIE background subtraction
noise_scale true Scale noise for each pixel
detrend 1 Detrending window (seconds). 0 = no detrending
file_extension 'avi' If a folder is selected instead of a single video file, concatenate all videos with the specified file extension within that folder.

📌 Motion Correction Parameters

Parameter Name Value Description
do_non_rigid false Perform non-rigid motion correction?
reference_projection_rigid 'BV' Use blood vessels as reference for rigid correction
non_rigid_pyramid {'BV', 'BV', 'neuron'} Multi-level registration pyramid
non_rigid_batch_size [20, 60] Frame range for parallel processing

📌 Inter-session Alignment Parameters

Parameter Name Value Description
projections 'BV+neuron' Use both blood vessels and neurons for alignment
final_neurons 0 Perform an extra neuron alignment iteration?
Force_BV false Force blood vessel use even if deemed unusable

📌 Neuronal Extraction (CNMF-E) Parameters

Parameter Name Value Description
frames_per_batch 0 Number of frames per batch. 0 = process each session as a single batch
memory_size_to_use 256 Memory allowed for MATLAB (GB)
memory_size_per_patch 16 Memory for each patch (GB)
patch_dims [64, 64] Patch dimensions
with_dendrites true Include dendrites in the model
search_method 'dilate' Search method ('dilate' or 'ellipse')
spatial_constraints struct('connected', false, 'circular', false) Spatial constraints
spatial_algorithm 'hals_thresh' Spatial extraction algorithm

📌 Deconvolution Parameters

Parameter Name Value Description
deconv_options.type 'ar1' Calcium trace model ('ar1' or 'ar2')
deconv_options.method 'foopsi' Deconvolution method
deconv_options.smin -5 Minimum spike size
deconv_options.optimize_pars true Optimize AR parameters
deconv_options.optimize_b true Optimize baseline
deconv_options.max_tau 100 Max decay time (frames)

📌 Background Modeling Parameters

Parameter Name Value Description
background_model 'ring' Background model
nb 1 Number of background components
bg_neuron_factor 1.5 Background-neuron interaction factor
ring_radius [] Will be calculated later
num_neighbors [] Number of neighbors for each neuron
bg_ssub 2 Background downsampling factor

📌 Merging & Seeding Parameters

Parameter Name Value Description
merge_thr 0.65 Merging threshold
method_dist 'max' Distance calculation method
dmin 5 Minimum distance between neurons
merge_thr_spatial [0.8, 0.4, -inf] Spatial merging threshold
min_corr 0.2 Minimum correlation for seeding
min_pnr 4 Minimum peak-to-noise ratio for seeding